Legislative News
Illinois State Legislative Action of Note
SB 2637, Prohibited Food Additives-Opposed passed out of Senate Public Health. This bill amends the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Provides that, beginning January 1, 2027, a person or entity shall not manufacture, sell, deliver, distribute, hold, or offer for sale a food product for human consumption that contains brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromates, propylparaben, or red dye 3. Provides that a person or entity that violates the prohibition shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 for a first violation and not to exceed $10,000 for each subsequent violation. The Chamber opposes this bill.
SB 2682, Women in Tech Task Force passed out of Senate State Government Committee. This bill creates the Increasing Representation of Women in Technology Task Force. Includes provisions concerning Task Force membership, meetings, and duties. Provides that the State of Illinois Office of Equity shall provide administrative and other support to the Task Force.
SB 2862, Higher-Ed In-Demand Jobs passed out of Senate Higher Education Committee 12-0-0 yesterday. This bill provides that the Board of Higher Education shall compile, on an annual basis, a list of the most in-demand jobs in this State, along with the starting salary, the median salary, and the typical education level for those jobs. Provides that the Board shall make the list available to the public on its Internet website.
SB 2906, Home Rule County Use Tax Collection passed out of Senate Revenue Committee. This bill provides that, if a home rule county imposes a home rule county use tax, then the tax shall be collected by the Department of Revenue when the property is purchased at retail from a retailer in any county in this State other than the home rule county imposing the tax. Includes provisions relating to collection and administration of the tax. Provides that the Department shall not begin collection and enforcement before January 1, 2025. |
Illinois Chamber Releases 2024 End of Session Report
The Illinois Chamber is proud to release our annual End of Session Report. Our team has diligently drafted, tracked, and advocated on legislation impactful for the business community.
This report opens with a message from our President and CEO Lou Sandoval as well as highlights of the biggest legislative items this year. You will then find a section-by-section recap of the legislation tracked and lobbied by each of the Chamber’s 7 policy councils. If you would like to discuss any of these legislative matters, Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. This document is a product of advocacy over the past year. Click this link to view the report. |
From the Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Governor Pritzker Gives State of the State and Budget Address
On Wednesday, Feb 21st, Governor Pritzker provided his combined annual State of the State and Budget Address in front of members of the General Assembly, constitutional officers, and numerous other officials and guests. The address corresponded with the release of the FY25 budget documents, including the proposed FY25 operating budget and the FY25 capital budget.
The Illinois Chamber's full response to the Governor's address is provided below.
The Illinois Chamber of Commerce is aligned with the Governor's goal of expanding opportunities for the growth of businesses of all sizes and to continue the expansion of our state's gross domestic product that has surpassed $1 trillion.
We are, however, disappointed by the Governor's proposal to extend the cap on business net operating loss. The cap is nothing more than forced borrowing of funds from Illinois businesses to finance government.
We are also disappointed by the Governor's proposal to reduce the sales tax retailers' discount. This is a stealth tax increase on our retail sector, who are managing increased operating expenses due to rising labor and raw materials forcing them to operate on already razor thin margins.
We appreciate the Governor's unwavering support for education and we are aligned that investing in education is vital to building a brighter future for our communities. We believe strongly that educational optionality should be the right of all our states students, especially those in underrepresented communities which saw significant cutbacks due to the expiration of the Invest in Kids Act.
Here's what our members are saying:
"AHS Family Health’s affiliation with the Niles Chamber gives us the opportunity to connect with local, state and federal legislators to support pro-business initiative and collectively address challenges faced by the community."
Dr. Muhammad Paracha, MD, AHS Family Services